Boudour Ammar
Chair of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Tunisia Chapter

Artificial Intelligence is widespread from students to professors and from academic to industrial. It is very interesting for us to propose events for all these members because the great idea is born from the performed discussion when these skills are met. Therefore, we believe that our mission is to encourage this exchange of ideas across CIS events and programs.

In order to have a better interaction with our members and others who are interested in CI and CIS and to share information in a more effective manner, we have launched our new website in October 2019. The address of the website remains the same: If you have any suggestions/comments about it, please do let us know via email at [email protected].

It is a great pleasure to inform you that in 2018, the transactions have cleared their backlogs publishing additional pages. The transactions continue to maintain high-quality reviews, and very healthy submission-to-first-review and submission-to-Epub statistics. The most recent impact factors of our journals are very high. For example, the Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems has 11.683, Transactions on Fuzzy Systems has an impact factor 8.759, while Transactions on Evolutionary Computation enjoys an impact factor of 8.508. Computational Intelligence Magazine is also a top-ranked with an impact factor of 5.857. Please submit all your good papers to CIS sponsored and co-sponsored publications.

As a part of our outreach initiatives, in 2019, we organized a workshop about intelligent machines: theory and applications. In this event, speakers from nearby organizations/institutes were also invited to deliver lectures which gave a better opportunity to establish a stronger relationship with the local scientific community. Actually, we are planning to organize a challenging event which focuses on the use of recent advances in artificial intelligence and especially machine learning technique.

This year, 2020, is also going to be an eventful year – many events are planned. I look forward to meeting you at one of our conferences or other events.

Boudour Ammar
Chair of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Tunisia Chapter