CIS is a vibrant community of researchers, students and industry professionals focusing on the development and application of intelligent computational solutions to problems across a wide range of disciplines, such as learning techniques and big-data analytical methods, to problems across a wide range of disciplines. CIS members are the leaders in their fields of endeavor. As a CIS member, you have greater opportunities to discuss and collaborate with these professionals.

Particularly, as a member of CIS, the following benefits will be offered to you:

1: You will receive online IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, our quarterly publication introducing the recent technique development of Computational Intelligence.

2: You will receive our monthly CIS E-Newsletter, with the most up-to-dated information about the CIS field, events and opportunities.

3: You will have free access to the online electronic versions of our major journals, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning SystemsIEEE Transactions on Fuzzy SystemsIEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation and IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, through IEEE Xplore.

4: Members of the Society can subscribe to additional publications at discounted prices. These include: IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental SystemsIEEE Transactions on Games, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, IEEE Transactions on Big Data, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience and IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.

5: You can organize, chair or join a CIS chapter at your region. The CIS chapter can invite DLP speakers, CIS providing the airfare, to give a talk. The CIS chapter can organize summer schools, and receive funds. The Chapter can apply for fund for chapter membership development. The chapter can also apply for the Best Chapter Award.

6: You can watch a tutorial in our repository, participate in CIS Webinars, participate a competition, attend a summer school etc.

7: Within CIS there are several technical committees (TC), including Neural Networks TC, Fuzzy Systems TC, Evolutionary Computation TC, Intelligent Systems Applications TC, Data Mining and Big Data Analytics TC, Smart World TC, and etc. Within the technical committees, there are also task forces engaging on planning of new focuses/directions. You can serve on our technical committees (TC), and task forces. As a CIS member, you are eligible to serve as the committee chair or task force chair.

8: The Editor in Chief of CIS major journals are appointed by CIS President and approved by CIS ADCOM. You are eligible to serve as an EIC in CIS related journals. You can also participate with CIS elections, and run for CIS ADCOM and officers.

9: In addition to TC, there are also subcommittees promoting education, members activities, and CIS conferences. As a CIS member, you are eligible to serve as a subcommittee chair.

10: You can join our receptions in CIS conferences to strengthen your network.

Please note that CIS graduate student members have the same rights as a professional member. That is, you can chair a chapter, participate with the CIS election, and run for ADCOM member.

As a student CIS member, you can also obtain the additional benefits:

1: You have opportunity of getting a travel grant to attend a CIS sponsored conference.

2: You have opportunity of finding a mentor.

3: You can initialize or join a CIS Student Chapter at your university, and organize competitions as well as workshops and events with great speakers from our Distinguished Lecturer Program.

4: You will be able to connect with other members through the social networks and get informed on job positions, connect with local industries and recent graduates, discuss CI research, get tips on publishing at CIS journals and participate in CIS webinars.

5: You can also serve in subcommittee and task forces.